686 Fares
686 Fares
Local (686L): All Hours
- $2.00 for Ages 13-64
- $1.00 for Youth 6-12 & Seniors 65+ (all times)
- Free for Youth 5 & Under (w/ paid fare – limit 3)
- $1 for Persons with Disabilities
Express (686X)
- Peak*: $3.25 (for all ages except Youth 5 & Under)
- Non-Peak: $2.50 for Ages 13-64
- Non-Peak: $1.00 for Youth 6-12 & Seniors 65+
- Free for Youth 5 & Under (w/ paid fare – limit 3)
- $1 for Persons with Disabilities
*Peak is Monday – Friday, 6:00-9:00 AM and 3:00-6:30 PM
Free Transfers
- Riders transferring from an SW Prime trip to the 686 route or any connecting bus trip throughout the regional transit system.